When does the bareroot season begin and end?
This depends on the plant dormancy. It usually starts November through to early April. If we have an early frost, it is possible for us to lift the plants a little earlier. When coming into spring if the weather is fine sometimes the season ends at the end of March.
Is it possible for me to collect from your nursery?
Yes you are welcome to collect from our nursery. You can submit your order on line (in comments section put collection required) or you can telephone through your order and we can agree a suitable collection date.
Our garden is overlooked. What can you suggest to plant that would make a good screen and are evergreen?
We could recommend evergreens such as laurels, eucalyptus, yew, shrub honeysuckle, Photinia Red Robin, Strawberry tree.
What is the difference between bareroot and potted?
Barerooted means when we can safely ‘lift’ the tree from the ground when dormant without disturbing the roots. Again this is only done between November and usually April. When lifted there will only be little or no soil around its roots. Potted trees/shrubs can be planted out all year round and because they are established in the pot then the roots are not disturbed.
I have only a small garden. Are there many trees suitable that would not take over my garden?
Yes please see our section on trees for the smaller garden.
I'm a novice and would like information on how to plant my tree once it has arrived?
We do not send planting instructions with the trees but we can send you, on request a leaflet on ‘how to plant a tree’.
I have a problem with rabbits and deer. Do you supply guards, protection?
Yes we can supply guards and stakes. If rabbits are common we would recommend a spiral guard which can be wrapped around the tree. When using on whips or exposed position a bamboo cane will also be required to support the spiral. We also supply easiwraps. If the problem is deer then we would advise on the 1.2 guards for roe deer or 1.5 for fallow deer.
Once my bare rooted trees arrive how long can I keep them before planting out? And what aftercare should I give them?
We send out your trees in special planting bags which can be kept in the bags for up to 7/10 days. Keep the bags sealed inside a shed, garage, out of any frosts. When you have successfully planted your trees they will need watering especially throughout the summer months.