22nd August 2019

“There is plenty of funding available to support tree planting. Grants from the Forestry Commission plus other sources help make planting affordable.The challenge is identifying the right financial support for your new wood.

What are Forestry Commission planting grants?          Forestry Commission planting grants are given to landowners as a contribution towards the costs of planting woodland and to help compensate for any income lost on land. There are different levels of funding available in each country within the UK (conditions and restictions also vary).

Other sources of funding –  Government grants are not always suitable for every landowner. Some planting schemes won’t fulfil the criteria while other people may not want to claim a government grant.Farmers may be able to receive support through the Environment Stewardship Scheme.       This is an agri-environmental scheme that provides funding to farmers and other land managers in England to deliver effective environmental management on your land.

For info call 0300 060 0011 or email

The Woodland Trust MOREwoods scheme is a flexible alternative, providing support for small-scale and scattered planting. Through MOREwoods, landowners receive onsite advice and support towards up to 60% of the costs.  Depending on your location and the type of planting you are undertaking, additional funding may be available through partnership projects or your local authority”

For info call 0845 293 5689 or email  [email protected]

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