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Best Trees For Garden Shade

30th June 2022
There are a few trees which will look beautiful in your garden while giving plenty of shade ready for the summer months. Three good trees are Acer Palmatum, Sweetgum and Tulip. The three trees here all grow at a decent and fast rate. Their branches also spread out, providing decent cover and enough shade. Perfect...
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Our Bareroot Trees Won’t Be Available Until The Next Planting Season

11th May 2022
From now anything bareroot won't be available until the next planting season. Planting conditions are no longer good for these plants. Especially as they come out of hibernation. All potted plants on our website can be purchased (they are already 'established' in their pots). If you would like to order bareroot and potted plants, please...
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What Are Shelterbelts? (The Benefits Most People Don’t Know About)

10th February 2022
The Optimal Shelterbelts (OSBs) use and develop our national and historic degraded hedgerows. These exist only as thin ribbons of natural capital and biodiversity. Shelterbelts move wind up as the trees convert wind energy into warmth and humidity. They'll also stop wind from damaging crops, and provide a humid location for livestock. Since 2020, we've...
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Planting Season Is Coming

26th October 2021
As it gets closer to November on the calendar, we thought we'd let you know that planting season will be soon upon us.   The bareroot trees will start to lose their leaves and go into hibernation for the winter.   As you can tell, the best time to order and plant them is from...
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Bareroot & Potted – What Is The Difference?

15th September 2021
When placing an order, it's important to know the difference between potted and bareroot. Potted plants can be sold and planted all year round (you don't have to wait). If you want to give a tree to someone as a gift and they want to plant it as soon as possible, potted plants are your...
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Tree Donated To Lydbrook Primary School

9th August 2021
Tree Shop recently received a beautifully illustrated letter from a young girl who attends Lydbrook Primary School. This young girl wanted a Cherry tree, which we donated to them for their Wellbeing garden. This garden was recently opened by princess Anne.
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21st July 2021
Welcome, We now have a good selection of potted trees and shrubs all year round.  Visit our arboretum section for all your potted requirements.  Please feel free to contact our sales team who can assist in your selection and answer any queries you may have.  You can also place your order over the telephone. tel:01452 832100 [email protected]
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Magnolia Black Tulip

13th July 2021
Magnolia black tulip has the deepest colour of the Magnolia. Flowers with a deep pink/burgundy colour emerge in early Spring, then glossy large green leaves come afterwards which stay on until late Autumn. The colours of the flowers deepens with maturity. If you want to look after Black Tulip well, place the flower in sheltered...
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The Silver Birch Tree

2nd July 2021
The Silver Birch is one of our most popular trees, and for a good reason. Architects and top house designers love to use Silver Birch trees for their home designs. This tree creates a nice environment wherever it's planted, thanks to its attractive silvery bark and the superb environment it creates for birds and insects....
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How To Plant A Tree

22nd June 2021
Bare root trees should be planted between November and March. Don't plant them when the ground is frozen or waterlogged. When ready to plant, 'split' the ground with a spade and place the plant into the slot. Heal it in with your foot to make sure there are no air holes, and it's planted firmly...
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*********SPECIAL OFFERS********* order now while stocks last

4th June 2021
Sometimes we have too much stock of a particular species and this season we have the following available: Joseph Rock, Sweet Gum and Laburnum Voisii are on special offer until 31st August 2021. See special offers on our homepage. Order now while stocks last!
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How to trim a Conifer hedge

19th May 2021
The easiest way to trim established conifer hedges is by using a powered hedge trimmer to give a regular, even finish. Quick growing conifers will need about three cuts per year during the growing season, at roughly eight week intervals. Inspect the hedge thoroughly before trimming it is to ensure there are no birds nesting...
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Creation of Optimal Shelter Belts (OSBs)

12th May 2021
We are excited to announce that Tree Shop has been leading the creation of Optimal Shelterbelts (OSB) across Britain's historic hedgerows. These OSBs promote biodiversity, prevent soil erosion, and help combat climate change that destroys natural habitats. Last season we planted 3.2kms of trees and shrubs for 8 OSBs. Over next winter we'll be planting...
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Plan your beds and borders

10th November 2020
When deciding on a plan, work from the back to the front for the borders and from the centre out to the edges for island beds. That way you will be sure you have your framework plants where you want them-making a long-term background for the smaller plants at the front and those with more...
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