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Broad leaf trees

22nd August 2020
BROAD LEAF  -  is a tree that has wide leaves, rather than slim, needle-like leaves as found in conifers. Most broad-leaved trees are deciduous, such as birch, elm, oak and maple, but some such as arbutus (which are small trees or shrubs with red flaking bark and edible berries) and live oak are evergreens; the latter type are...
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Native Trees

22nd August 2020
NATIVE TREES (since the Ice Age) is a tree which has grown naturally in the area and has not been introduced by man.   Our Native Trees are:- Alder, Aspen, Ash, Bay Willow, Beech, Bird Cherry, Black Poplar,  Box, Crab Apple, Crack Willow, Common or Pedunculate Oak, Downy Birch, Field Maple, Goat Willow, Hazel, Holly,  Hornbeam, Hawthorn or quickthorn, Juniper,...
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22nd August 2019
Some sappy hardwoods can be pruned at this time of year. You can prune Maple, Walnut, Magnolias and Birch. Summertime pruning avoids the typical oozing of sap during the winter and is perfectly safe. Dead or dying branches can be removed at any time. Early August is a good time to prune Choisya. Evergreen seldom...
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HOW TO…..plant a hedge

22nd August 2019
By far the cheapest way of making a hedge is to buy bundles of bare-root, deciduous hedging plants. These are available only between late autumn and early spring, but small ones cost very little. If you cannot plant them straight away, heel them in by planting them temporarily in a hole or trench somewhere in the...
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Before you start to plan

22nd August 2019
First, prepare your soil-you can do it at any time of the year as long as the ground is neither boggy, nor frozen, nor bone dry-then draw up your planting plan. When you have chosen and bought your plants, stand them roughly in position-in their pots-so that you can make last minute changes before planting....
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How to plant a Tree

22nd August 2019
Enhance the look of your property, by planting trees this is an effective way to easily beautify your property. They provide shade in the summer and wind protection in winter, enhance privacy all while increasing property values at the same time. The most common mistake when planting a tree is digging too deep a hole...
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22nd August 2019
"There is plenty of funding available to support tree planting. Grants from the Forestry Commission plus other sources help make planting affordable.The challenge is identifying the right financial support for your new wood. What are Forestry Commission planting grants?          Forestry Commission planting grants are given to landowners as a contribution towards the costs of planting woodland...
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Planting deciduous trees

22nd August 2019
DECIDUOUS TREES lose leaves in autumn and grow new leaves in the spring. Most uk native trees are deciduous offering an everchanging landscape around the country from spring, summer, autumn to winter. Several deciduous trees hold their leaves for longer, coming in to leaf early in spring-blossoming fruit trees including cherries. Ash trees are usually the...
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More potential for woodland creation in Wales – reconsider applying for the grant scheme

22nd August 2019
NEWS- FC Wales is urging landowners to reconsider applying for the Glastir woodland creation grant scheme if their land was not previously eligible. Changes to the map used to assess applications mean that planting may now be possible where it was previously not permitted. [email protected] or 0300 068 0300. Revised map is at (click on the Glastir grant link)
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Introducing our fantastic NEW MOBILE PHONE WEBSITE

22nd August 2019
Making shopping at Tree Shop even easier. (For Mobile phone users) At TREE SHOP , we know how busy modern lifestyles can be. We want to ensure that you can always find the time to browse your favourite arboretum trees, shrubs and hedging plants, so we have created a brand new mobile website. You can access our full range of...
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HOW TO ……. Care for young trees

22nd August 2019
Many young trees die from a lack of aftercare in their first five years, but five minutes of your time every March or April can make a huge difference. 1.Is it alive? If there are no leaves, look for green under the bark of twigs. Fill in any gaps in the soil around the tree...
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THINK new trees but think small!!

22nd August 2019
There are many trees widely available for smaller gardens, in all shapes and sizes, evergreen and deciduous. Given that many of us have limited space in which to garden, it becomes important that any trees chosen are right for their surroundings, in terms of proportion as well as for their decorative value. There are many...
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