Showing 1–10 of 27 results
Blue Spruce
Picea Pungens Glauca
Blue Spruce (Picea Pungens Glauca) is becoming a much sought after Christmas tree as well as a good specimen tree in the larger garden. Attractive narrow triangular shape. Needles are blue-grey sometimes a powdery blue.From: £2 View Product -
Box Hedging
Box hedging Plants (Buxus Sempervirens) is a slow growing, evergreen plant with small shiny dark green leaves on top, pale green underneath. It's a perfect plant for formal borders and will stay looking good all year round. Used mainly for hedging because of its dense compact form, and is easy to clip. Very good for topiary.From: £3.20 View Product -
Caucasian Fir
Abies Nordmanniana
Caucasian Fir (abies nordmanniana), is a very handsome, easy to grow and disease-resistant tree with aromatic dark green foliage. It's one of the best trees to use as a Christmas tree because it retains it's needles well, even when cut.From: £2.1 View Product -
Choisya Ternata
Mexican Orange Blossom
Choisya Ternata (Mexican Orange Blossom). This aromatic evergreen shrub (also known as Mexican Orange Blossom) has green glossy leaves with very fragrant pure white star shaped flowers that appear late April/ May.From: £17.14 View Product -
Common Yew
Taxus Baccata
Common Yew (Taxus Baccata) provides privacy in the garden and are very easy to grow, the English Common Yew (Taxus Baccata) is the king of hedging. It's native evergreen, dense, slow growing (so easy maintenance) and good in shade. It very easy to grow but does not like wet heavy clay soils.From: £2.86 View Product -
Douglas Fir
Pseudotsuga Menzieii
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzieii) apart from the Giant Redwood is the tallest tree growing on the North American west coast. They are large and vigorous evergreen conifers.From: £1.30 View Product -
Fraser Fir
Abies Fraseri
Fraser fir (abies fraseri) do not loose their needles and have a beautiful pine fragrance. Slow growing tree, dense when young opening with age.From: £1.91 View Product -
Golden Irish Yew
Taxus Baccata 'fastigata Aureomarginata'
Evergreen Golden Irish Yew (Taxus Baccata 'fastigata Aureomarginata') is a very pleasing slow growing conifer much sought after because of its natural attractive shape.From: £60.00 View Product -
Grand Fir
Abies Grandis
Grand Fir (Abies grandis) is a fast growing, hardy, majestic specimen. Given the right conditions, cool wet rocky hillsides, this is the fastest growing plantation conifer in Britain, reaching its full height within 20 years.From: £1.91 View Product -
Holly Hedging Plants – Evergreen
Ilex Aquifolium
Holly Hedging Plants - Evergreen (Ilex Aquifolium) is a valuable species on woodland edges and in hedgerows. It's clusters of glorious red berries and glossy evergreen foliage is a source of shelter for birds, animals and insects.From: £2.70 View Product