Showing 11–20 of 27 results
Holm Oak
Quercus Ilex
Holm Oak (Quercus Ilex)- Good as shelterbelt tree or hedging. Can withstand sea winds, late spring produces male catkins, acorns are pointed and does not lose its leaves.From: £2.75 View Product -
Honeysuckle Hedging
Honeysuckle Hedging
Shrub Honeysuckle (Lonicera Nitida) is a compact, evergreen shrub with small, glossy leaves, perfect for creating neat, low-maintenance hedges. A great alternative to Box hedging, it thrives in sunny or partially shaded areas and is ideal for topiary. In summer, it produces fragrant white flowers that develop into purple-blue berries in autumn. Hardy and easy to maintain, this shrub is an excellent choice for gardeners looking for a versatile, attractive hedge.From: £1.80 View Product -
Hybrid Larch tree
Larix Eurolepsis
The Hybrid Larch tree (larix eurolepsis) between the European and Japanese larches is quite outstanding. It has greater vigour than either parent and will produce sawn timber more durable than Japanese larch.From: £2.47 View Product -
Irish Juniper
Juniperus Communis Hibernica
The Juniperus Communis Hibernica (Irish Juniper), is a popular slim columnar conifer. It forms a neat, well ordered column, with its soft looking blue-green slightly feathery foliage. Useful for the smaller garden since it is unlikely to ever outgrow its position. Suitable for screen or shrubbery, vary hardy.From: £45.60 View Product -
Laurel Hedging
Prunus Laurocerasus
Laurel Hedging (Prunus Laurocerasus) makes a good hedging screen, is tolerant of shade, a good hedging plant which can be pruned back.From: £2.80 View Product -
Lawson Cypress
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana
Lawson Cypress (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana) hedging of this species is now more common than plantations of it. Excellent wind break hedge when grown together with regular maintenance.From: £1.00 View Product -
Lodgepole Pine
Pinus Contorta
Lodgepole Pine Pinus Contorta tree will grow well in most soil conditions. Its foliage is bright green, long and not too dense. Female flowers grow on tips of new shoots of the tree, male flowers are yellow and grow at base of new growth. This tall pine tree will grow up to 80ft and can grow on poor soils.From: £2.66 View Product -
Magnolia Grandiflora Evergreen
The Magnolia Grandiflora Evergreen is sometimes seen growing against a wall in a sunny position, but just as likely to be seen as a good specimen shrub. Thick glossy leaves covered beneath by rusty hairs.From: £72.00 View Product -
Monkey Puzzle Trees
Araucaria Araucana
Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria Araucana). This curious tree has a primeval look about it. The kind of plant that would probably have been familiar to dinosaurs. It always develops a perfectly straight stem and equally spaced whorls of branches. The lower ones die off as they are starved of light by new growth above them producing an end result that is reminiscent of an open umbrella.From: £57.13 View Product -
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia Latifolia
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia Latifolia) is considered by many to be the most beautiful flowering native shrub of North America. The dark red buds open to pleasing saucer shaped pink blooms, making sensational colour contrast against the dark glossy leathery leaves. Clusters of deep pink flowers produced in early summer, making the Kalmia Mountain Laurel a profuse bloomer.From: £39.6 View Product