Showing 1–10 of 42 results
Populas Tremula
Aspen (Populas Tremula) It is a very hardy species and tolerates long, cold winters and short summers. Aspen is resistant to browsing pressure by fallow deer due to unpleasant taste.From: £1.50 View Product -
Bird Cherry trees
Prunus Padus
Bird cherry trees are native to Britain and look stunning in late spring when they are covered with masses of white almond scented fragrant blossom. An important tree for wildlife as well as ornamental value.From: £1.25 View Product -
Black Walnut trees
Juglans Nigra
Black Walnut trees-(Juglans Nigra) is a tough tree-In autumn it turns brilliant gold colour. The black walnut is a large, fast growing deciduous tree with distinctive ridged bark and butter yellow autumn leaves. An abundance of edible nuts are produced in autumn, you probably know when they are ready when you see lots of squirrels in your tree. Nuts are considered to be even better than the Common Walnut (Juglans Regia).Walnuts are rounded, single-seeded stone fruits of the walnut tree. The walnut fruit is enclosed in a green, leathery, fleshy husk. The husk is inedible but the walnut seeds which are edible are a high density source of nutrients, particularly proteins and essential fatty acids.From: £2.60 View Product -
Coast Redwood
Sequoia Sempervirens
Coast Redwood Sequoia Sempervirens is a very fast, tall growing tree with a distinctive narrow conical shape. It is an excellent specimen tree suitable for larger gardens and parks.From: £51.60 View Product -
Common Alder trees
Alnus Glutinosa
Trees, the valuable British native (alnus glutinosa) common alder tree species that's known to directly support over 90 different organisms. Thrives in wet soils, prevents erosion on river banks. Male and female catkins grow on same tree ripening in spring. The rough bark can sprout young shoots.From: £0.95 View Product -
Common Dogwood
Cornus Sanquinea
Our Common Dogwood (Cornus Sanquinea) is a good native British Dogwood, found in a countryside hedge. A multi stemmed shrub, it's found in hedgerow and has stunning burgundy stems in winter.From: £1.09 View Product -
Common Oak Tree
Quercus Robor
Oak Trees (Quercus Robor) are renowned for their strength and durability, making them ideal for timber and landscaping. Thriving in heavier soils, they tolerate water-logging better than other varieties, and with proper care, they produce straight, knot-free wood. Known for their longevity, Oak trees can live for over a thousand years and grow to impressive sizes. For best results, pruning should be done when the tree is dormant, and major pruning on mature trees should be left to a qualified arborist. Perfect for creating a stunning landscape feature or harvesting high-quality timber.From: £1.63 View Product -
Common Walnut trees
Juglans Regia
Common Walnut trees (Juglans Regia)- The bark is smooth, olive brown when young and silvery-grey on older branches. The male flowers are in drooping catkins and the female flowers ripen in the autumn into a fruit with husk.From: £2.68 View Product -
Cranberry Vaccinium Macrocarpon
Cranberry Vaccinium Macrocarpon. Considered as a superfood, due to their high nutritional content and wide-ranging health benefits. Rich in vitamins C, A and K as well as flavonoids, which will help lower the risk of heart problems. They outrank almost any other fruit and vegetable (including spinach and broccoli due to their antioxidants. A popular remedy for cystitis. Contributes to good cholesterol and can help lower blood pressure. Low in calories, fat and sodium.From: £14.40 View Product -
Downy Birch
Betula Pubescens
British native birch trees are the best choice of trees for planting on wet sites.From: £1.62 View Product