Showing 21–30 of 82 results
Golden Japanese Maple Tree
Acer Japonicum Aureum Jordan
Golden Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Japonicum Aureum Jordan) is a medium-sized, bushy, deciduous shrub or tree, leaf colour varying at different seasons.From: £66.66 View Product -
Golden Locust
Robinia Pseudoacacia Frisia
Golden Locust - Robinia Pseudoacacis Frisia is one of our most popular trees.From: £34.28 View Product -
Golden Rain Trees Koelreuteria Paniculata Pride of India
Golden Rain Trees, also known as Pride Of India trees-Towards the end of summer golden rain trees produce great 30cm panicles of yellow flowers which hang down from the branches. Each individual flower is about 1.2cm across and consists of 4 pointed petals like a star.From: £36.00 View Product -
Golden Weeping Willow Tree
Salix Sepulcralis Chrysocoma
The Golden Weeping Willow (Salix Sepulcralis Chrysocoma) is a fast-growing, large tree known for its elegant, cascading branches and vibrant golden-yellow foliage. Ideal for planting near ponds or lakes, it thrives in moist soil and can be easily propagated by inserting a twig into the ground. With its graceful weeping branches and striking seasonal colour, the Golden Weeping Willow adds beauty and serenity to any garden or water-side landscape. Perfect for large spaces, it creates a stunning focal point and attracts wildlife with its lush, vibrant foliage.From: £43.20 View Product -
Grafted Willow
Salix Integra-Nishiki Flamingo
Salix Integra-Nishiki Flamingo also known as Willow tree, this stunning 'flamingo willow' produces a brilliant spring and summer display, bursting forth from bare branches, often with catkins, into a mass of amazing creamy-pink variegated and tipped new shoots, set against white mottled and marbled leaves.From: £48.21 View Product -
Green Weeping Beech trees
Fagus sylvatica pendula
Green Weeping Beech trees -Given space, a circle about 30 metres across, and time, around 100 years, it is possible to grow this tree to its full potential. There are few more impressive arboreal objects than a mature weeping beech.From: £60.00 View Product -
Grey- Budded Snakebark Maple trees arboretum trees
acer rufinerve
Grey Budded Snake Bark Maple trees-The bark on young trees is smooth, olive-green with regular narrow vertical pale green to greyish stripes and small greyish lenticels: on old trees, it becomes rough and grey. The leaves turn to bright orange or red in the autumn. The very green stem and branched contrast well with the reddish to orange yellow autumn colour. This is one of the most commonly planted snakebark maples and is a hardy fast grower.From: £93.89 View Product -
Himalayan Birch Tree
Betula Utilis Jacquemontii
The Himalayan Birch is a stunning, compact tree with striking upright branches and glossy, firm leaves on red-tinted stems. Reaching a height of 30-40 feet, it's perfect for smaller gardens or planting in small groups. With its unique grooved bark and seasonal appeal, this tree adds elegance and texture to any landscape. Ideal for well-drained soil and full to partial sunlight, the Himalayan Birch is a versatile choice for creating year-round interest in your outdoor space.From: £33.00 View Product -
Holly Hedging Plants – Evergreen
Ilex Aquifolium
Holly Hedging Plants - Evergreen (Ilex Aquifolium) is a valuable species on woodland edges and in hedgerows. It's clusters of glorious red berries and glossy evergreen foliage is a source of shelter for birds, animals and insects.From: £2.70 View Product -
Hop Hornbeam
Ostrya Carpinifolia
Hop Hornbeam (Ostrya Carpinifolia) trees have a very unusual appearance in the summer when a crown of dark good looking foliage is mixed with white fruit clusters which are near to 5cm broad cylindric bunches of bladders like a big hop fruit. Apart from this summer display the tree remains quite dull. A good woodland tree, it will stand a good deal of shade as well as full sun. This tree is native to Europe and Asia Minor, including southern Britain.From: £30.00 View Product