Special Offers

Showing 21–22 of 22 results

  • Western Red Cedar

    Thuja Plicata

    Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata) is best for hedging or as a specimen tree is fast growing and is commonly planted in the UK. A good alternative to Leylandi and will grow up to 60cm per year.  It can make a dense evergreen hedge and has a rich cedar scent when crushed between your hands. The Western Red Cedar is highly fragrant and is known to exhibit scents similar to pineapple.
    From: £2.00 View Product
  • White Poplar

    Populus Alba

    White poplar (Populus alba) Good screening tree. The leaves are large, to 10cm, and maple-like with five lobes. Young leaves are covered with a white hairy down, which gradually fade from the upper surface, but retained on the underside throughout the season. The upper surface becomes dark green, turning yellow before leaf fall in autumn.
    From: £1.10 View Product