Autumn Colour

Showing 1–10 of 31 results

  • Rainbow Pillar

    Amelanchier Canadensis Rainbow Pillar-Snowy Mespilus Tree

    Amelanchier Canadensis, RAINBOW PILLAR trees 'new in stock' Snowy Mespilus Trees. Rainbow Pillar is a NEW variety, hardy in the UK.
    From: £36 View Product
  • chinese mountian ash sorbus hupehensis

    Chinese Mountain Ash – Rowan trees

    Sorbus Hupehensis

    Chinese Mountain Ash trees - Sorbus Hupehenis trees. This tree from China transplants well. Gives good, rather unusual foliage and very unusual fruit. Broad-conic crown. Striking red leaves in Autumn, followed by porcelain looking berries.
    From: £68.00 View Product
  • Cooper Norway Maple trees

    Copper Norway Maple trees

    Acer platanoides schwedleri

    A good tree for the larger garden. Copper Norway maple Trees , would make a good background tree for its colour and height.
    From: £41.4 View Product
  • Ginkgo Tree

    Maidenhair Tree

    Ginkgo or Maidenhair trees makes a remarkable feature in any garden. Deciduous, upright and narrow, dark green leaves turning yellow before falling. It's known for its spectacular yellow autumn colour.  Suitable for small gardens.
    From: £59.20 View Product
  • Golden Japanese Maple Acer Japonicum Aureum Jordan

    Golden Japanese Maple Tree

    Acer Japonicum Aureum Jordan

    Golden Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Japonicum Aureum Jordan) is a medium-sized, bushy, deciduous shrub or tree,  leaf colour varying at different seasons.
    From: £66.66 View Product
  • acerrufinerve grey budded snake bark maple

    Grey- Budded Snakebark Maple trees arboretum trees

    acer rufinerve

    Grey Budded Snake Bark Maple trees-The bark on young trees is smooth, olive-green with regular narrow vertical pale green to greyish stripes and small greyish lenticels: on old trees, it becomes rough and grey. The leaves turn to bright orange or red in the autumn. The very green stem and branched contrast well with the reddish to orange yellow autumn colour. This is one of the most commonly planted snakebark maples and is a hardy fast grower.
    From: £93.89 View Product
  • Honey Locust sunburst gleditsia trianthos

    Honey Locust Sunburst

    Gleditsia Trianthos

    Honey locust 'Sunburst' Is a small deciduous tree with a rounded crown. Golden yellow spring foliage which darkens to pale green but then turns butter yellow in autumn. This is an elegant tree which becomes a special feature both in spring and autumn each year.
    From: £39.60 View Product
  • acer palmatum

    Japanese Maple Tree

    Acer Palmatum

    Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Palmatum) are excellent potted for patio or terrace.  The gorgeous Japanese Maple is a must for a shaded part in your garden. This Japanese Maple starts life as a rich green and through autumn turns red, orange and bronze. Autumn is a super colour of deep crimson reds.
    From: £30.47 View Product
  • japanese rowan trees

    Japanese Rowan tree

    Sorbus Commixta

    Japanese Rowan trees-Fairly quick growing hardy trees that can reach up to 10mtrs in height. Is most happiest in a neutral soil that is well draining withstanding full sun or partial shade.
    From: £60 View Product
  • John Downie Crab Apple

    Malus John Downie

    Malus John Downie Crab Apple - The heavy fruiting crab apple 'John Downie' was raised in Lichfield England in 1875 by Mr E Holmes. It was named after his friend and fellow nurseryman John Downie from Scotland. The tree, which resembles a free grown orchard apple in size and shape, has white blossom which starts off pale pink in bud.
    From: £30.00 View Product