Wet Areas

Showing 1–10 of 19 results

  • Alder buckthorn tree

    Alder Buckthorn

    Rhamanus Frangula

    Alder Buckthorn (Rhamanus Frangula) is a small, thornless tree of wet woodland, riverbanks and heath lands.
    From: £1.52 View Product
  • aspen populus termula


    Populas Tremula

    Aspen (Populas Tremula) It is a very hardy species and tolerates long, cold winters and short summers. Aspen is resistant to browsing pressure by fallow deer due to unpleasant taste.
    From: £1.50 View Product
  • common alder tree

    Common Alder trees

    Alnus Glutinosa

    Trees, the valuable British native (alnus glutinosa) common alder tree species that's known to directly support over 90 different organisms. Thrives in wet soils, prevents erosion on river banks. Male and female catkins grow on same tree ripening in spring. The rough bark can sprout young shoots.
    From: £0.95 View Product
  • Douglas Fir

    Pseudotsuga Menzieii

    Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzieii) apart from the Giant Redwood is the tallest tree growing on the North American west coast. They are large and vigorous evergreen conifers.
    From: £1.30 View Product
  • Dove tree hankerchief tree

    Dove Tree or Hankerchief tree

    Davidia Involucrata

    Dove trees (Davidia Involucrata trees) also known as the handkerchief tree or ghost tree is a deciduous conically shaped tree. It is much sought after for its large droopy white flowers that do look like 'ladies handkerchief' scattered on branches when more mature.
    From: £54.60 View Product
  • golden weeping willow

    Golden Weeping Willow Tree

    Salix Sepulcralis Chrysocoma

    The Golden Weeping Willow (Salix Sepulcralis Chrysocoma) is a fast-growing, large tree known for its elegant, cascading branches and vibrant golden-yellow foliage. Ideal for planting near ponds or lakes, it thrives in moist soil and can be easily propagated by inserting a twig into the ground. With its graceful weeping branches and striking seasonal colour, the Golden Weeping Willow adds beauty and serenity to any garden or water-side landscape. Perfect for large spaces, it creates a stunning focal point and attracts wildlife with its lush, vibrant foliage.
    From: £43.20 View Product
  • Salix Integra-Hakuro Nishiki

    Grafted Willow

    Salix Integra-Nishiki Flamingo

    Salix Integra-Nishiki Flamingo also known as Willow tree, this stunning 'flamingo willow' produces a brilliant spring and summer display, bursting forth from bare branches, often with catkins, into a mass of amazing creamy-pink variegated and tipped new shoots, set against white mottled and marbled leaves.
    From: £48.21 View Product
  • grey alder

    Grey Alder trees

    Alnus Incana

    Grey Alder (alnus incana) trees.This is a widely distributed aggressive pioneer species from mainland Europe and Russia, but it is not a British native.
    From: £1.14 View Product
  • Lawson Cypress

    Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana

    Lawson Cypress (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana) hedging of this species is now more common than plantations of it. Excellent wind break hedge when grown together with regular maintenance.
    From: £1.00 View Product
  • pin oak tree

    Pin Oak tree or Swamp Spanish oak

    Quercus Palustris

    Pin Oak Tree or Swamp Spanish oak, is a medium-sized deciduous tree and is one of the most commonly used landscaping oaks in its native range due to its ease of transplant, its relatively fast growth, and pollution tolerance. Its distinctive shape is considered unique among hardwoods.
    From: £65.40 View Product